Current Firm
NXTP Ventures

Ariel Arrieta

Current Firm
NXTP Ventures

Ariel was born in Buenos Aires. He graduated as an electronic technician and is a college dropout. He later studied management at Harvard Business School and graduated as part of the Owner/President Management Program (OPM). He is now an active member of the Harvard Club in Argentina and the HBS Angels Club. 

Ariel serves actively with NGOs such as Endeavor, Red Solidaria, Junior Achievement, Un Techo para mi País, and Kiva. Ariel and his wife have two children, Zoe and Ignacio, and in his spare time he enjoys running, diving and blogging at ArielArrieta.com [http://www.ArielArrieta.com].


Ariel Arrieta is a VC Investor, serial entrepreneur and marketer, cofounder & managing partner of NXTP Ventures VC Fund.

Kauffman Fellow (Class18), Harvard Business School (OPM Class 41)

NXTP VENTURES is a seed-stage venture capital fund with a focus on:

  • Companies targeting the Latin American market
  • Industry : B2B / SaaS / Logistics / information services / AI / Web3
  • Initial ticket Size: 500k USD to 2M USD

As fund NXTPLabs Fund I  & Fund II & Fund III  has +190 companies portfolio 

Before cofounded several startups. In June 2003 previous to NXTP Labs & Nextperience, he co-founded Digital Ventures and InZearch and grew the business to become one of the leading Ad Networks in Latin America. Both companies were acquired in July 2007 by Fox International Channels, a News Corp. company (NASDAQ:NWS). Post-acquisition, Ariel not only focused on the successful integration of the operation, he also helped shape the international expansion strategy for the ad network (now rebranded as .Fox Networks), increasing revenue four-fold and significantly expanded its global operation from 3 offices in Latin America to 21 offices spread across 4 Continents. 

Since 1994, Ariel has been involved in the Internet/Online Media Industry. In the past, he founded several companies including: I-Solution S.A. (e-builder), OK-Compra.com (B2C Ecommece markeplace) and V-Commex (foreign trade emarketplace B2B). He also worked in management and marketing positions at Global Mind (Interactive Agency), ViaNetworks (ISP), Inea Internet (ISP) and Century Internet (ISP).

He is the author of the book "Aprender a Emprender" published by Editorial Atlantida AprenderAemprender.com And " Sentido comun Emprendedor" published by  Penwing Random House


As a member of Class 18, Ariel performed his fellowship at NXTP Labs. He was later a mentor to Class 20 member Francisco Coronel.