Kauffman Fellows Sentiment Survey 2024

What You’ll Find Inside
Our survey, comprising insights from 262 emerging and established venture capital fund managers gathered between Q4 ‘23 and Q1 ‘24 delivers promising prospects for founders while also showing a marked improvement in the sentiment analysis comparing 2024 to the previous year, indicating that the VC winter is over. We explore four key topics:
Better Macro Economic Environment
55% of fund managers believe the macro economic conditions will improve in 2024. 30% believe it will not change from 2023, while the rest believe it will deteriorate.
Challenging Fundraising Prospects, yet Confidence is High
While 97% of fund managers believe that fundraising in this environment will be somewhat to extremely challenging this year, half of them are confident they will reach their fundraising goals this year.
For entrepreneurs at least, winter is over
While in 2023 more than 50% of VCs invested less than the year before, this trend is expected to completely reverse in 2024.
For LPs, still unclear if they will get liquidity this year
30% of VCs believe 2024 will be a very challenging year for exits. Yet 40% of all respondents believe that there is a market for acquisitions.
Distribution of Respondents
by Role & Type
Note: Emerging Manager is defined as survey respondents that currently manage a Fund I, Fund II, or Fund III. Established managers are those managing Fund IV+ firms.
Investment Activity Expectations in 2024 vs 2023
53% of all VC managers surveyed expect to allocate more capital and invest in more startups than last year, with only 6% expecting fewer. The rebound is slightly higher for Silicon Valley and established manager firms.
Press Highlights
Kauffman Fellows is a global network that gathers the best venture capitalists in the world.
Through our two-year education program and our vetted peer-to-peer network, Kauffman Fellows has accelerated the careers and the venture capital firms of hundreds of professionals in the field.
Since 1995, our network has grown to 882 Fellows (86% of them General Partners or Managing Partners/Directors) from 765 VC firms who collectively manage over one trillion dollars. These Fellows and their teams have invested in over 90 thousand entrepreneurs and harvested over 27 thousand exits.
Kauffman Fellows exists to support venture capitalists who invest in the entrepreneurs changing the world. Over the years, Kauffman Fellows have enabled and grown entrepreneurial ecosystems in 58 countries represented in our network.