Current Firm
Ark.Fund, Arkangeles.com, 2TM

Luis Barrios

Current Firm
Ark.Fund, Arkangeles.com, 2TM

Luis is a graduate of Franklin W. Olin Graduate School at Babson College, where he was member of the Babson Latin America Entrepreneurship Forum. He holds a bachelor's degree in industrial engineering. 

Luis attended VCX at Draper University, a hands-on venture capital experience imparted by Tim Draper, Mark Maples, Steve Jurvetson, and more.


Luis X. Barrios is a Mexican entrepreneur and founder of THE POOL Entrepreneurship Club and CoWork. THE POOL is a club for entrepreneurs united by their common goal of developing and growing new companies that make life better; the camaraderie created by the group's dedication and support leads to greater achievement. Luis advises and supports entrepreneurial teams in exploiting their talents, pushing them to the next level, and increasing their entrepreneurial success ratio. 

The members of THE POOL are a team that inspire, share, and learn from each other's experiences. The club provides its entrepreneurs with a unique working space, mentorship, training, funding, and an extended network so that members don't have to jump into 'the deep end' by themselves. 

As an individual, Luis is also a co-founder of the ASEM (Mexican Entrepreneurship Association), in collaboration with the same entities in Chile and other countries in Latin America. All these associations are part of the ASELA (LatAm Entrepreneurship Association), a nonprofit organization whose purpose is to create an entity'neither governmental nor privately held'to promote best practices and better the entrepreneurial environment and legislation in each country to reduce barriers of entry of young and talented entrepreneurs building companies of the future.


Luis is a member of Class 20 and served his fellowship at THE POOL under the mentorship of Pablo Salazar Rojo (Class 15), Managing Partner at NXTP Labs.