Current Firm
"RS Bioventures, LLC", RA Capital Management
United States

Risa Stack

Current Firm
"RS Bioventures, LLC", RA Capital Management
United States

Risa holds a degree in genetics and development with distinction from the University of Illinois, a Ph.D. in immunology from the University of Chicago.


Risa is an experienced investor; she has played a significant role in the early operations, financing and development of over 50 companies with a focus on early stage healthcare opportunities.Companies include: Veracyte (NASDAQ:VCYT), Foundation Medicine (NASDAQ;FMI) Trius (NASDAQ;TSRX sold to Cubist), Pacific Biosceinces (NASDAQ:PACB), Corthera (acquired by Novartis), Quantum Health (acquired), Epizyme (NASDAQ: EPI) Ilex Oncology (acquired by Genzyme), and Triangle Pharmaceuticals (acquired by Gilead). Most recently Risa created and led the GE Ventures New Business Creation team which founded seven new business across multiple industries including healthcare, aviation, and energy. Businesses launched include Evidation Health, Vineti, Menlo Microsystems, Drawbridge Health, and Avitas. 

Prior to GE Ventures Risa was a partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers where she founded and developed therapeutics, tools, and molecular diagnostics companies. As a principal at J.P. Morgan Partners she sponsored venture and growth investments in healthcare companies and supported international healthcare investing. Before joining the venture capital industry, Risa worked as a derivative specialist on the Chicago Board of Trade, where she traded futures and options on government securities.


Risa completed her fellowship under mentor Mitchell Blutt at Chase Capital Partners in New York as a member of Fellows Class 2. She also served as a mentor to Jessica Owens (Class 12), Diana Maichin (Class 19), and Dave Rosenberg (Class 22).