Stacey Kalovidouris
Stacey completed her post-doctoral training at the California Institute of Technology and holds a PhD in chemistry from the University of California at Los Angeles. She received her BA degree in biochemistry from Swarthmore College.
Stacey Kalovidouris is Senior Director of Strategic Partnerships of the Baylor College of Medicine's Center for Drug Discovery and brings 22 years of experience working at the forefront of early stage scientific advances and discoveries. Previously she was the Executive Director of Rice University's Institute of Biosciences and Bioengineering. In that role, she facilitated cross-disciplinary research and education, fosters ties with the Texas Medical Center, creates partnerships with industry, and promotes the translation of research.
Her KFP fellowship leveraged her deep domain expertise and allowed her to explore the world of innovation investing. Stacey is an inventor on a patent for a carbohydrate-protein method of inducing neuronal growth and has published research papers in the diverse areas of nanotechnology, glycobiology, immunology, neuroscience, and drug delivery of cancer therapeutics. Prior to her roles at BCM and Rice, Stacey was a Senior Scientist for Calando Pharmaceuticals, a biopharmaceutical company providing targeted therapeutics for the development of nanoparticle drug formulations.
As a member of Class 19, Stacey served her fellowship at Rice University under the mentorship of David Schubert of Accelerator Corp.